
2016 Rural Health & Research Congress: 9-11 November 2016

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The Health Education and Training Institute, Northern NSW Local Health District and our Congress partners are pleased to announce the 2016 NSW Rural Health and Research Congress to be held in the beautiful coastal location of Tweed Heads from the 9-11 November.

Call for Abstracts is now open. This year’s theme is: “The Rural Health Vision – translate, integrate and innovate!”

Submissions close on Monday 1 August 2016. To submit your abstract click here and complete the online form.

Sponsorship opportunities are also available for organisations hoping to be represented at this key annual rural health event. Please click here to see the Sponsorship Prospectus and email isabella@alignmentevents.com.au should you have any questions.

We look forward to welcoming you for three days of inspiring keynote speakers, innovative researchers and a diverse offering of concurrent sessions and poster presentations not to mention networking with colleagues whilst overlooking the magnificent Tweed River.

For further information visit our website at www.ruralhealthandresearchcongress.com.au.


CICM ASM: 3-5 June 2016

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The College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (CICM) 2016 Annual Scientific Meeting will be like no other. With the theme of Minds and Machines, the College has gone beyond the focused single system conference to look at areas integral to the day to day management of patients.

While this conference has a neuro-critical care bent it will also appeal to a much wider audience. The presentations will help clinicians optimise their performance both as individuals, and through their relationships with machines and devices, by providing a critical examination of the management of ICU and oversight of the provision of ICU services.

For further information visit the CICM 2016 ASM website

RANZCR ASM: 13-16 October 2016

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The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists’ (RANZCR) will be holding its 67th Annual Scientific Meeting on the Gold Coast, Queensland on 13-16 October 2016.

The program will feature an impressive array of international keynote speakers, alongside many great national and local speakers. The program reflects the belief that strong collaboration with clinical colleagues is fundamental to the appropriate and targeted use of modern imaging and radiation therapy to produce the best patient outcomes.

There will also be plenty of opportunities for delegates to network throughout the ASM.

For further information visit the RANZCR 2016 ASM website

Telehealth Technology Workshops

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RACP - Telehealth

Are you interested in using telehealth technology for education and to support your patients?

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians, The Royal College of Pathlogists of Australia, The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists and the Australasian College of Dermatologists are holding joint workshops on telehealth in Hobart and Port Macquarie. These workshops will explore videoconferencing setups, imaging software, cameras, 3D printers and more.

These free workshops will be delivered in two parts:

1. Presentations from specialists on how they use telehealth
2. Free time to experiment with equipment and software

To register, please click on the relevant link below:

Port Macquarie: 2pm to 5pm, Saturday 25 July, The Glasshouse
Hobart: 11am to 2pm, Saturday 1 August, University of Tasmania School of Medicine Physiology Laboratory

For more information please email Krista Recsei or phone (02) 8247 6239

Where Cultures Connect – ACEM Winter Symposium 26 – 28 July 2015

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The 2015 ACEM Winter Symposium will be held at the Alice Springs Convention Centre and promises a program that will have a broad appeal to fellows, trainees, emergency nurses and rural generalists.

The themes of the conference are Indigenous health, rural medicine, toxicology, social media and education.

ACEM Winter SymposiumIn addition, there will  pre-conference workshops, including a Pre Hospital and Retrieval course looking at the challenges of providing pre hospital care to an area of over 1 million square kilometres.

A concurrent activities program will appeal to partners or anyone interested in seeing the fabulous scenery that central Australia has to offer. Some of the activities we plan to offer include a pre-conference trip to Uluru, camel riding, hot air ballooning and guided mountain bike riding as Alice Springs has some of the best mountain bike riding terrain in Australia.

For more information  please visit the conference website or contact the Conference Secretariat.