Quality care

Safe Patient Transport

In 2015, the College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (CICM) developed an online learning module to assist medical practitioners develop and implement strategies and protocols for the safe transport of critically ill patients.

The aim of the module is to ensure that all specialists involved in the transport of critically ill patients minimise risk and maximise safety.

Those completing this module will become aware of the most current guidelines, protocols and practices.

The module is available here. Follow the instructions on the linked page to register as a Rural Health Continuing Education guest user.

Safer Australian Surgical Teamwork

Course Overview

Research shows that a breakdown in non-technical skills (NTS) frequently contributes to adverse outcomes. The training offered in the SAST workshops addressed these breakdowns, and thereby improved safety in the operating theatre and patient outcomes.

This project brought together surgeons, anaesthetists and scrub practitioners for eight one day workshops between 2014 and 2015. These were collaborative, cross-disciplined  workshops, improving situational awareness, decision making, leadership, task management, communication skills and teamwork. They utilised three behavioural marker frameworks – Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS), Anaesthetists’ Non-Technical Skills (ANTS) and Scrub Practitioners’ List of Intra-operative Non-Technical Skills (SPLINTS) developed by The University of Aberdeen, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the National Health Service.

The below videos were used during these workshops. They were produced by RACS in conjunction with the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), the Australian College of Nursing (ACN), and the Australian College of Operating Room Nurses (ACORN). Read more.

RANZCR Appropriate Imaging Referrals

Course Overview

Improving the appropriateness of referrals for medical imaging, thereby enhancing the quality of clinical care, is an important issue around the country but is especially important in rural health where there may be more limited resources and increased patient travel time to imaging facilities.

Each of the nine clinical modules present the evidence behind the best clinical decision rules for that topic, followed by how to apply rules in practice. An interactive format is used, with numerous quizzes aimed to consolidate the theory, followed by clinical scenarios to assess understanding in practice. A smart phone app is also under development to help practitioners implement practices learned from the modules.

Read more.

E-dgy Issues Program

Course Overview

In 2014 and 2015, RACMA delivered eight e-debates and discussions to doctors, based on contemporary and ‘edgy issues’ that were current to health services, medical and clinical administration. Some of this content may now be out of date, however the topics remain relevant across regional, rural and remote Australia.

The EIP was delivered online via a Learning Management System in a webinar format, and videos of the sessions are available here. The program provided doctors in medical and clinical management positions in rural and remote areas opportunities to enhance their CPD and sustain best practices in medical leadership and management. The EIP also reduced the impact of professional isolation.

Each video runs for 1 to 1.5 hours and comprises a presentation, debate, and discussion between the presenter and other participants.

Read more.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health

Course Overview

Supporting health professionals in improving knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health care to achieve better outcomes.

Read more.

Rural Procedural Audit

This project aims to provide an electronic data collect tool that facilitates the collation and individualised reporting of comprehensive audit data for selected procedures carried out in the rural areas.

View the project details here.

Management Essentials

Course Overview

This course was designed and developed as a result of grant provided by the Rural Health Continuing Education Sub-program (RHCE) Stream One.

The course was originally developed as a means for continuing professional development of rural specialist medical practitioners. However, it was recognised early on as an important educational resource for trainees of the College, as well as for the continuing professional development of non-rural fellows and educational affiliates. As a result, the course was made available to all College members, on the Learning Management System (LMS) of the RANZCR Learning Portal.

Read more.

Professionals’ Essentials

Course Overview

This course was designed and developed as a result of grant provided by the Rural Health Continuing Education Sub-program (RHCE) Stream One.

The course was originally developed as a means for continuing professional development of rural specialist medical practitioners. However, it was recognised early on as an important educational resource for trainees of the College, as well as for the continuing professional development of non-rural fellows and educational affiliates. As a result, the course was made available to all College members, on the Learning Management System (LMS) of the RANZCR Learning Portal.

Read more.

Communications Essentials

Course Overview

This course was designed and developed as a result of grant provided by the Rural Health Continuing Education Sub-program (RHCE) Stream One.

The course was originally developed as a means for continuing professional development of rural specialist medical practitioners. However, it was recognised early on as an important educational resource for trainees of the College, as well as for the continuing professional development of non-rural fellows and educational affiliates. As a result, the course was made available to all College members, on the Learning Management System (LMS) of the RANZCR Learning Portal.

Read more.

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