Safe Patient Transport
In 2015, the College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (CICM) developed an online learning module to assist medical practitioners develop and implement strategies and protocols for the safe transport of critically ill patients.
The aim of the module is to ensure that all specialists involved in the transport of critically ill patients minimise risk and maximise safety.
Those completing this module will become aware of the most current guidelines, protocols and practices.
The module is available here. Follow the instructions on the linked page to register as a Rural Health Continuing Education guest user.
Navigating Communication
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this resource may contain images of people who have died.
Communication and Consent Issues with Aboriginal Patients
Course Overview
‘Navigating Communication’ is designed to assist cultural awareness and understanding within Aboriginal health delivery through offering practical advice and suggestions from experts in the field and members of the Aboriginal community. ‘Navigating Communication’ is designed to encourage and enable medical practitioners to understand and communicate more successfully with Aboriginal patients and their families. Read more.
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