Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Cultural Learning

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These modules help you reflect on your current engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients, to consider what improvements you and your practice/clinical team may make to provide appropriate health care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients, which understands and respects their cultural needs and beliefs.


  1. The Patient/Specialist Relationship
  2. The Clinical Team
  3. A Multi-Disciplinary Practice

Please note: You can explore the Network for Indigenous Cultural and Health Education website for more activities, resources and case studies – a portal for health professionals working in Indigenous health.

1. The Patient/Specialist Relationship

Learning Outcomes

This module is about:

  • gaining a cultural perspective of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
  • finding out about the practical steps you can take to create a culturally safe environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients
  • developing culturally aware and safe communication strategies for you and your practice staff
  • why patient identification is important and how to apply it in your practice setting.

2. The Clinical Team

Learning Outcomes

This module is about:

  • improving consultation and collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers and community liaison workers
  • working with and supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patient to compliance with treatment plans
  • taking a patient-centred approach when caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.

3. A Multi-Disciplinary Practice

Learning Outcomes

This module is about:

  • how a multi-disciplinary approach can lead to improved health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients
  • practical steps to create a culturally aware and safe treatment environment.


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